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 George Winston cancer benefit cd/Spring tour,
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Kapila Kane

1051 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2017 :  12:03:16 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
George Winston's "Spring Carousel", a benefit album and concert tour is now out there.
With two of my blood brothers and other friends going through treatments, this issue is relevant and worthy for just about all of us.
And what a great place for an artist to put their healing energy, into music and a tour.
Congratulations to George.
Dates include Boulder May 9, (might make that one..)

also: Two Rivers Winery in Grand Junction Colorado. There's a B & B there...
Many other dates, several in California (did I see Calistoga?) Pt. Reyes, Freight and Salvage.

I like a couple of the muted piano effects that a couple tunes utilize. Is it an electronic keyboard, or just a "trick" to mute a grand piano? Don't know, and while I'd love to know the technics used, it really is more about the music and feelings.

I still remember an older cut with Keola Beamer, ...snow leopard? where his plucked arpeggios were a mystery to me...too fast for one man to do without a second pair of hands...The dampers need to be up! But that's from a slack violin guy who played some piano.

AND, if anyone goes to Boulder, find a little time for Nederland, there is a hand-made carousel a few miles up the canyon in Nederland, that is free.
Carousel of Happiness Nederland Colorado
IF you drive up to Nederland (maybe 30 minutes into the beautiful mountains out of Boulder) There's some great friends, Tom and Dawn who run "Cross-Cut Pizza" and once hosted concerts in "Acoustic Coffee" (now just a memory), cabin and once an epicenter of the community. Tom and Dawn reprised a few concerts at the Wild Bear Ecology Center...one of my last Concerts with Chuck Pyle, a place for kids and adults interested in Educational outdoor Ecology and Education.

They were/are great cooks, who hosted great concerts at their former venture, Acoustic Coffee.
Artists in the 'good ol' days' included: Peter Rowan, Chuck Pyle with Gordon Burt, Tim O'Brien, and many more...some great singer-songwriters.
But check to see if the Carousel of Happiness is still there...and have a slice at Cross-Cut Pizza. (Be aware there's two Pizza Places in town, probably both good...but my allegiance is to Tom and Dawn's place!

Edited by - Kapila Kane on 04/20/2017 12:23:48 AM
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