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13 Posts |
Posted - 03/19/2009 : 10:09:26 AM
Hi everyone,
I am new to slack key guitar. I recently got the Masters of Slack Key recording and fell in love with it. I'm primarily a nylon string player (classical/fingerstyle) but I do have a couple of steel stringed guitars too.
I am a certified music practitioner and I play therapeutic music for patients at the University of Virginia hospital. I am interested in slack key for therapeutic use. It's very relaxing and beautiful to listen to.
Nice to find this place.
best regards,
1597 Posts |
Posted - 03/19/2009 : 11:11:53 AM
Aloha, welcome to the patch, wren.
Lotsa good info about slack key at this site.
Many subjects get discussed frequently (as is common on such sites at this), so be sure to search the archives for answers to likely common questions.
Mahope Kākou... ...El Lorenzo de Ondas Sonoras |
4551 Posts |
Posted - 03/19/2009 : 3:42:27 PM
Hapa is performing in Annapolis, MD tomorrow and Vienna, VA Saturday, I think. I bit of a ways for you but could be worthwhile if you have the time.
I am headed to Williamsburg this weekend. Unfortunately, I won't have time to catch Hapa. |
Andy |
213 Posts |
Posted - 03/20/2009 : 09:41:44 AM
Aloha, wren, and welcome. Would love to hear how slack key works out for your patients once you add this style into your repertoire. For me, it's pretty darn therapeutic to play, as well as to listen to. 
Fran Guidry
1580 Posts |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 03/20/2009 : 11:02:51 PM
Aloha, wren. Welcome to Taro Patch. I have rad various studies about the therapeutic value of slack key music and as a recovering quadruple by-pass graft patient, I can vuch for it first hand. My husband brought Dennis Kamakahi music to the cardiac intensive care unit and out of my dopey haze andpuking, that is one of the nice things I remember, plus the opportunity to introduce more unsuspecting Cleveland, Ohio people to Hawaiian music. Additionally, I have read of studies done in neonatal intentive care units where slack key has been used to sooth preemies and it works like magic. It has also been used in dialysis and chemo therapy units. Search the internet, I am sure you can find plenty of studies. There is something magical about the music, but make sure it is real slack key not some new age ersatz kind.
Welcome, once again. Enjoy the beauties of Hawaiian music. |
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
1260 Posts |
Posted - 03/21/2009 : 4:48:01 PM
Yay! Another East Coaster here! Aloha mai! |
He kehau ho'oma'ema'e ke aloha.
'Alika / Polinahe |
13 Posts |
Posted - 03/24/2009 : 08:37:45 AM
Hello everyone,
Thanks a lot for the warm welcome. I agree that this music is so soothing & refreshing to listen to. I have not yet played it (will later today when I go home to my Ozzie book!) I feel the tropical imagery that it conjures up would really be soothing to someone shut inside.
also I know that George Winston, the new age piano composer/player is pretty involved with slack key. I consider his music to be in the therapeutic genre too.
I am really enthused about learning more about slack key and making some new music friends. |
1105 Posts |
Posted - 03/24/2009 : 08:45:55 AM
Welcome. Play from the heart and the rest will follow. You can learn a few songs from books to start, then with your experience you might arrange instrumentals at will. Please try to keep it as Hawaiian as possible. The sound, the song choice and the spirit. That is the source of the spiritual feelings evoked in the music. Otherwise it will be just new age music which is ok but not slack key. Do the research and you won't go wrong. Ask all the questions you want and you will receive a million answers all good ones but not all accurate. Your purpose is a good one though so everything may work as you see it. |
No'eau, eia au he mea pa'ani wale nō. |
13 Posts |
Posted - 03/24/2009 : 11:50:02 AM
Aloha noeau,
Thank you for your wise advice. I would like to arrange some Hawaiian songs as well. In fact, my Grandmother played Hawaiian steel string guitar back in the 1930s. I have a big stack of music she left behind of Hawaiian songs. I know it was slide steel guitar (I have her old Oahau guitar hanging on my wall) and that is a different style than slack key, but I thought it might be fun to arrange some of them for slack key.
I do agree that keeping it authentic is the best approach. I enjoy doing research and I am not in a hurry to learn. I will enjoy taking my time to learn about this rich culture connected to slack key guitar. |
562 Posts |
Posted - 03/24/2009 : 1:48:20 PM
Aloha Wren, and welcome to the Patch! Make yourself at home and feel free to share your opinions and keep on posting.
~Alana |
Aloha Kakou, maluhia a me aloha mau loa (Hello everyone, peace and love forever) |
292 Posts |
Posted - 04/06/2009 : 7:55:48 PM
Welcome from another East Coaster beleive it or not there are a lot of us out here in the East that LIVE for any taste of Hawaiian Music. Not sure how far this would be for you but you might REALLY want to check it out. Monday, April 20, 2009 @ 7:30 pm Keola & Moana Beamer w/special guest - Raiatea Helm The Birchmere, 3701 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22305
I enjoy playing Ukulele and LOVE to listen to Slack Key and all forms of Hawaiian Music. You might enjoy going to You Tube and check out ALL of the videos out there. Anyway ALOHA from Delaware. |
"A hui hou kakou, malama pono". Nancy |
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