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 Tacoma Bass
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1628 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2008 :  2:26:40 PM  Show Profile  Visit Mark's Homepage
Well, this is sorta the opposite from KonaBob's Walking Stick, and my beloved little Ashbory; but I played a Tacoma Thunderchief bass at Lark Camp recently.


I was so impressed I bought one the week I got home.

Wow, it is one of the only acoustic bass guitars I have heard that actually sounds like a bass when it is unplugged. Plugged in, it sounds really good, too. I've seen a bunch of them in the hands of Hawaiian musicians, who know a good thing when they see one.

I got mine on e-bay for just about 1/2 the retail price. They seem to show up used pretty regularly at $800-900.

And it sure ain't small. But that is why it sounds so good.

If you are looking for an alternative to an upright, and you don't want to lug around an amp, check it out.

I have a P.O.S. acoustic bass that I bought at Lark last year that I'll sell for what I paid for it. Yes, here's yer chance to own a Gen-u-Wine Pakastani-made bass guitar with a cutaway and a surprisingly good pick-up for $80.. It comes complete with a red band-aide to cover the crunched bit (that's why it was so cheap), a dandy cardboard box and a couple of fake bullet holes.

Pix on request.


1628 Posts

Posted - 09/15/2008 :  08:40:51 AM  Show Profile  Visit Mark's Homepage
Yo -

I posted an ad for my Lark in the Morning bass guitar. The most fun you can have for $75-- legal, anyway.

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2173 Posts

Posted - 10/16/2008 :  04:50:59 AM  Show Profile
I've tried the Tacoma Thunderchief at PSGW. Very cool. Plugged in, even mo' bettah!
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1628 Posts

Posted - 10/16/2008 :  07:58:18 AM  Show Profile  Visit Mark's Homepage
Plugged in, even mo' bettah!

I'm hip, Kory. I just played it for a couple gigs with Robyn Knuebuhl & KonaBob down in St Helena. I used my Roland Microcube bass amp, which was mic'ed to the mains. I was amazed at how good it sounded plugged in.

Big sucker, tho'. I had to ditch the hard case & buy a cheap-o bag so it would fit in my car!

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