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530 Posts

Posted - 02/24/2022 :  1:05:17 PM  Show Profile  Visit Earl's Homepage  Reply with Quote
We just got tickets for the Masters of Slack Key show on April 03. Uncle George Kahumoku, Sonny Lim, and Jeff Peterson. I'm going with my neighbor and we got the last two front-row seats just left of center stage. Yay! Off to a weekly bluegrass jam tonight, but then all my playing will be ki ho'alu until the show. Gotta get in the spirit....

Edited by - Earl on 01/24/2023 06:01:50 AM


92 Posts

Posted - 02/28/2022 :  06:56:07 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wow. Lucky you Earl. Share pics if you can.

Ron Leach
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530 Posts

Posted - 02/28/2022 :  07:39:27 AM  Show Profile  Visit Earl's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I'll try. With front-row seats, we should be able to get some decent shots. I am so stoked being able to see these guys again. I have seen Uncle George in concert before and met him, and also studied with Jeff and Sonny at Aloha Music Camp in the past.
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530 Posts

Posted - 04/04/2022 :  05:35:29 AM  Show Profile  Visit Earl's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I deliberately didn't post anything lately to avoid jinxing the show. (Last time with the Keola Beamer concert, we both got da 'Rona that week and had to miss). It went really well last night - great music and much aloha from the stage. The crowd was really into it, with three hula dancers coming from the audience up on stage to dance a few with "the band".

George, Sonny, and Jeff each did a solo set followed by a combined kani together after intermission. They graciously hung back after the show to sign CD's and pose for numerous pictures. I was in the front row, and afterward Uncle George mentioned that he saw me singing along with most of the songs and gave a huge smile.

This morning I am really jonesing bad for Aloha Camp, which actually started yesterday. (I could not make it but my wife is there having twice the fun for both of us).
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643 Posts

Posted - 04/16/2022 :  04:40:30 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
...and fun it really was. So good to see so many friends again, and to be with Alice too :-)))

--Jean S
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530 Posts

Posted - 04/18/2022 :  12:54:12 PM  Show Profile  Visit Earl's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Yup. Alice got home tired but smiling. And Duke (her cat) was really happy to see her again. It's not the same service with reduced "staff". I'm OK as a bringer of food and for affection in a pinch, but SHE is his sweet baboo.

She is off again for another flute function back east in about three weeks. This time it will only be four days, not eleven. We'll probably survive.....
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141 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2022 :  05:25:28 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We enyoyed Alice at camp! Had a lively discussion about nose flutes, too!

Put da "pila" back in "Kanikapila"
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530 Posts

Posted - 01/23/2023 :  10:24:00 AM  Show Profile  Visit Earl's Homepage  Reply with Quote
We attended the Keola Beamer / Henry Kapono concert last night in Boise in our favorite theater. Moana was there too but was not on the headline.

As usual it was great fun and we left with "beaming" smiles. It was a lovely dose of aloha here in the depths of January. We even heard a couple of Keola stories from the stage that I had never heard before, a rare treat after seeing his shows many times and classes at three Aloha Camps. Henry is a good singer/songwriter and they made a great duet. He did not play any slack key, however. We try to support any Hawaiian artists coming to us here. Many never get this far inland from the coast, so we appreciate it when they do. Oddly enough, I did not see anyone else that I knew in the crowd during intermission. The show was about 80% occupied, and I had hoped it would be a sell-out. not bad for a Sunday evening....
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