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 Hawaiian Kine Bass
 choices ii-V7 or flipping root and fifth
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Kapila Kane

1051 Posts

Posted - 04/02/2017 :  11:06:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
did my time in playing electric BASS shortly after my first ventures on violin.and BUT before I got a guitar, a (the usual teenage rock n roll dreams). It really gets you picking the progressions apart/putting a bass line together). HELPS WHEN LEARNING HOW TO HEAR PROGRESSIONS!
I found
ROOT/FIFTH "FLIPS" (5th in the bass sounded, then articulates the root) commonly In Hawaiian, Country, and folk, music styles. It happens as many songs travel from HOME, to head for the V, there is a nebulous theory thing that appears...

Bass players, either intentionally, or not, approach with a 5th of the Dominant which will imply a ii-V root insertion, adds a little swing, but is often only implied when there is NOONE else doing a ii minor chord.
When the bass player plays the fifth to a incoming V chord first, followed by the root,,,\\ It implies a ii minor going to V. Generally works well... The bass player sends this into the progression a little functunal "Undertow",,widdening of the progression, [perhaps a tad of swing, and the listeners get an 'Immature" supertonic chord to sip Umbrella Mai-Tais.
Voila! Pass go, collect $200 dude. That's the pay on a good night, which might cover the bar tab!

Give me a high V7

Edited by - Kapila Kane on 04/04/2017 12:37:21 PM


2174 Posts

Posted - 04/03/2017 :  2:00:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You hear the same thing on accordion, listen to the left hand. European buttonbox players also lead the V chord with the V of the V (the II). You can find this happening in march music and some Ragtime.
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Kapila Kane

1051 Posts

Posted - 04/04/2017 :  12:48:36 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes "Thumbstriker", thanks for responding.

Also Country, Mariachi, Strauss Waltzes, and Country...from any country.

But while Sousa marches on accordian are considered a delicacy, they are also illegal in many states.
As Obi Wan said to Darth's Storm Troopers, "these are not the chords we're looking for".
and now, let this esoteric chat room be open to all.
Never mind, "this is not the topic you're looking for".
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