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 Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar / Hawaiian Music
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Posted - 12/05/2024 :  2:44:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm a long-time slack-key player & sometime singer of old Hawai`ian music, useta enjoy this forum. I do play other music too, as do many.

Goin' on the road maƱana, re-strung the guitar I'll be traveling with. Put on a set of D'Add EJ-19 which they term a "Bluegrass" set. I like the lighter-guage higher-pitched strings for my old fingers. I do substitute an unwound .020 for the G and sub a .060 Big E for the .056 that comes in the set. The skinnier G can be bent[ for faux-pedal steel] when one plays lead, the heavier Big E can be dropped to C as I often do. That's for what I call "The Key of L": taropatch with C bass instead of D. L is for Leonard Kwan & Ledward Ka`apana, who both have used this tuning.

I've forgotten how to load a pic of the "gtr du jour", it's a '53 Gibson CF-100 that plays lovely & sound even better to my ears both acoustic & plugged in w/Baggs Anthem p/u system. I have old Martins incl '20 0-18K, but for travel the ruggedly-housed Gibson is perfectly sastifying.

Is anyone out there???


2174 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2024 :  08:49:55 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've used the Bluegrass set in the past. Good punch on the lower register. Now, I usually use light guage. Gotta love the digital tuners!
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530 Posts

Posted - 12/08/2024 :  05:42:00 AM  Show Profile  Visit Earl's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Not dead here, but pretty quiet of late. I too use bluegrass sets or regular mediums for slack key playing. The down-tuned bass strings need more mass to feel "right". The only time that doesn't work is for Atta's C [CGEGCe]. Bringing the middle strings in a medium gauge set up that high makes them feel pretty tight, but I do not recall actually breaking one.
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92 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2024 :  05:06:01 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Still here too. Heading to Fl tomorrow for the winter. Got in touch with a local group of strummers that I'll get together with once a month. No Ki Ho Alu from them, but I'll press some for them.

Mahalo for everyone still on the Patch.

Ron Leach
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