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1635 Posts |
Posted - 07/23/2002 : 04:50:01 AM
Does anyone have a copy of Kanahele's book on Hawaiian music published some time ago by U H? If so, would you mind "loaning" it -- I'll pay insured shipping and send a deposit to guarantee return. Raymond San Jose, CA
Auntie Maria
1918 Posts |
Posted - 10/16/2002 : 3:17:24 PM
Check the libraries of colleges and universities in your area -- many of them have this *outstanding* reference book in their collections. Most will only allow "on premises" viewing, however. (ditto for my own copy! <g>).
If you can find a copy for sale on, snag it. Just within the past 5 years or so, this book has seemingly gone MIA, completely.
-- auntie maria HAWAIIAN MUSIC ISLAND |
Russell Letson
504 Posts |
Posted - 11/23/2002 : 11:02:16 AM
I second Auntie Maria's advice about research libraries--our little provincial university library has a copy, so it's probably reasonably widely distributed.
Also: last year I was told that a revised edition is in the works, edited by John Berger. I don't know when it will come out (and research projects can be VERY slow to complete), but there will be a replacement eventually.
And copies do pop up on the used market, but you have to be on the lookout constantly.
Addendum: I just did a quick Amazon search, which turned up about a half dozen used copies. The cheapest was $109.75, the priciest over $200. But they are out there.
Edited by - Russell Letson on 11/23/2002 11:12:41 AM |
Auntie Maria
1918 Posts |
Posted - 11/23/2002 : 10:55:51 PM
Another site to search is -- usually a few copies for sale there, everytime I've looked. Yikes, the asking prices have gone beserk!
-- auntie maria HAWAIIAN MUSIC ISLAND |
Auntie Maria =================== My "Aloha Kaua`i" radio show streams FREE online every Thu & Fri 7-9am (HST) - Kaua`i Community Radio "Like" Aloha Kauai on Facebook, for playlists and news/info about island music and musicians!
9 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2002 : 10:59:08 PM
What is the full title of this book? What makes it so important or valuable? |
Auntie Maria
1918 Posts |
Posted - 12/02/2002 : 02:50:19 AM
The book is considered by many to be "the bible" of Hawaiian music and musicians -- biographical information on musicians and composers, historical information about songs, record labels, radio and TV broadcasts. A 543-page reference _treasure_ for any die-hard fan of Hawaiian music.
The book went out of print just as interest in Hawaiian music was seeming to explode. Bad timing, for sure! Reprinting was out of the question at that point, as Dr. Kanahele had moved on to other projects -- and no one else wanted to fund the minimum-order reprinting. Further compounding the issue was that Dr.Kanahele was only the editor; many folks had contributed the information which he then culled and compiled into this wonderful publication. As I was told by the publisher, reprinting would have required permission of the original contributors -- many of whom had since passed on, without having left "rights" for reprinting to any of their heirs. When Dr. Kanahele passed away, any hope for a reprinting of the book, were dashed.
Originally priced at $25, I've heard from many O`ahu friends that the book was piled in stacks at bookstores on the island, marked down to just $5 (irk!). Now you're lucky just to find a used copy -- and if you do find one, expect to pay nearly $100 for it.
UPDATE 2/6/03: A search for this book today, found only 2 at -- at $250 and up. Yiiiiiiiiikes!
Full title, etc: HAWAIIAN MUSIC AND MUSICIANS: AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY Edited by George S. Kanahele University Press of Hawaii - 1979 ISBN 0 8248 0578 X
-- auntie maria HAWAIIAN MUSIC ISLAND |
Auntie Maria =================== My "Aloha Kaua`i" radio show streams FREE online every Thu & Fri 7-9am (HST) - Kaua`i Community Radio "Like" Aloha Kauai on Facebook, for playlists and news/info about island music and musicians!
Edited by - Auntie Maria on 02/06/2003 1:51:14 PM |
6 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2020 : 2:51:30 PM
I realize that I am responding to an almost 20 year old string, but this book is currently available new from for $35.00 |
Slack Key is timeless, yet always new. Blessings and peace be upon the de-tuned. |
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