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1628 Posts |
Posted - 12/03/2010 : 1:48:03 PM
Howdy all -
I am pleased to announce that I am in the final stages of publishing my new book on slack key style `ukulele. I hope to have the first copies back from the printer soon, but until then (and just in time for the holidays ) I'm making the book available for a limited time as a pdf download for the oh-so-discounted price of $15.

The Uke Buke: Learn to Play Slack Key Style `Ukulele
Here is a collection of classic Hawaiian melodies arranged for solo ukulele “slack key” style. Nothing sounds so sweet.
So grab you ukulele and put some aloha in your playing!
• Tablature and standard notation • Notes on the tunings, reading music and reading TAB • Guided lessons help you develop your style • Graded arrangements from easy to advanced • Over 30 great arrangements • Learn how to create your own slack key style arrangements of classic Hawaiian songs • Playable on any ‘ukulele with a low G string • Downloadable MIDI Files of all arrangements
Learn to play these classic songs, slack key style! `Ulupalakua Ahe Lau Makani Iesu Me Ke Kanaka Waiwai Kealoha Salomila Papakolea Mauna Loa Aloha Oe Ahe Lau Makani `Ukulele Slack Key #1 He Aloha No`o Honolulu Hi`ilawe Moana Chimes Kimo's Slack Key Hula Blues Pauoa Liko Ke Lehua Paniolo Slack Key Paperback, 88 pages. © 2010 acme arts.
Order online at:
1628 Posts |
Posted - 12/14/2010 : 11:29:16 AM
Many thanks to all of you who have purchased the book.
I just learned that there is a problem with the original pdf file. I have fixed that, and I've posted the corrected page for download on my website.
Sorry for the trouble.
1628 Posts |
Posted - 12/31/2010 : 1:38:12 PM
... and finally, just in time to make the coveted 2010 publication date a reality: The Uke Buke is now available in a print edition.
Visit my website to learn more.
Happy New Year, every one!
1628 Posts |
Posted - 01/05/2011 : 2:10:29 PM
A couple folks have told me that they have had trouble ordering the book via CreateSpace (the link on my website.)
I checked in, and everything appears to be fine. According to tech support, their shopping cart is tad fussy: the robots want to have everything just so.
They suggest calling tech support at 1-866-356-2154 if you run into any problems.
Sorry for the trouble. The book should be available on Amazon soon.
Till then, I'll keep the pdf version available.
And thanks to every one who has picked up a copy!
Happy Ukin'.
1635 Posts |
Posted - 01/09/2011 : 5:12:42 PM
Aloha to some old friends as well as to others whom I haven't had the pleasure of meeting. I'm coming out of "retirement" for this one posting because I think this is important to say ...
I received an uke for Christmas. As some of you know, I get pretty bored just strumming, so I was looking for an introduction to a more fingerstyle approach to the uke ... just when I came across Mark's Uke Buke.
Short form . . . I think this book is to a slack key style approach to the uke as Ozzie's book and dvd's are to the slack key guitar. And I do not offer such compliments lightly.
Long form . . . First of all, Mark has the rare talent of being able to communicate in written form how to play. Concise, accurate, in simple language, with theory underlying the technique for those who want more. I spent an afternoon with this book and, first of all, was thoroughly delighted. "Lessons" were written in such a way that it is easy to "get" them -- and that gives a lot of satisfaction. Furthermore, following the songs in the order they are presented almost painlessly developed my skill and understanding. For example, at times a song will appear in two or three arrangements, each successive one more "interesting." Also, Mark's approach to different tunings is very logically presented. While I want to spend more time with some of the songs, at the end of a few hours I feel really grounded in the basics Mark presents - enough to have been able to venture out, with some success, on a few songs not in the book. (And the book itself has quite a few songs in it.) I especially like the way the songs are laid out -- with notation and tab, which facilitates learning how to read the notation. Will this book make you a Master of the Uke? (Do I really need to answer that?) Will it provide the basics and grounding for a very interesting stylistic approach to the uke? Absolutely -- if you practice it. Will it duplicate the sound of slack key guitar? (Come on, it's for playing the uke not the guitar.) Will you have a lot of fun with the book? Another no brainer.
(For the sake of disclosure, I guess I am somewhere along the lower end of the intermediate continuum of slack key guitar players. Absolute beginners will no doubt have to work harder at some of the songs, but the arrangements and performance notes almost guarantee success. Beginners should really start at the beginning of the book and work through it methodically.)
So ... in summary ... I can't image anyone seriously engaged in this forum not getting, learning from and enjoying Mark's Uke Buke.
Raymond Stovich |
Edited by - RJS on 01/09/2011 5:21:03 PM |
267 Posts |
Posted - 01/12/2011 : 09:56:04 AM
'Eh howzit braddah Raymond, Hau'oli Makahiki hou! Hope all stay pono wit you and da ohana! Much Aloha brah... |
Art SF Bay Area, CA / Mililani, HI "The real music comes from within you - not from the instrument" |
United Kingdom
20 Posts |
Posted - 04/26/2011 : 08:40:34 AM
can't agree more with the praise for the uke buke and Mark Kailana Nelson's ability as a teacher of this noble instrument,he has his feet firmly on the floor and teaches from the perspective of the student and the book is a treasure house of music I had but a hint of.
As essentially a non musician who struggled for eons to make sense of six strings the uke has been waiting for me to catch on, I soon grew tired of just strumming along at uke jams here in the shires and Mark Nelson's original fingerstyle book opened up all the doors for me at the age of 57.
My girlfriend and I are besotted with the book, we took our taropatch tuned ukes to Honey Street on the Kennet and Avon Canal at the weekend, had a barbecue by the canal, sat there in the silence of it all playing stuff we've learnt from the uke buke. Debs is in love with the arrangements of Kealoha and Aloha 'Oe which we've been playing together and I've got as far as Moana Chimes, be a good while before I nail it but I can't stop playing it, such a beautiful tune.
Last night we went along to our regular uke jam in a scuzzy bar in the seaport of Southampton, mostly strumming session of punk and rockn'roll tunes, last time I played solo there was a good while ago when I played Mark Nelson's arrangment of Over The Rainbow, last night I played the first Hawaiin tune the jam has featured encouraged by the uke buke I played Kealoha expanding the arrangement with bars stolen from Aloha 'Oe.
Like Ralph McTell (From Clare To Here) my hands were sweating before I played, nerves but when the notes fell from the strings a calm came over me and a couple of chimes on the 12th and I was well chuffed, everyone loved it.
I'm going to play a different slack key uke toon from the book at each jam, edge out my nerves, develop my playing, still pretty much a non musician but surprising myself day by day. Mark Kailana Nelson's uke buke got me this far and if John Fowles is right that "time is not a road, time is a room . . ." then it feels just like home to me and Debs and I thank him for the gift of his teaching . . .
Mike |
'the lights in the sky are stars . . .' |
9 Posts |
Posted - 08/04/2018 : 6:13:48 PM
Just starting to get into slack key guitar. I’ll be looking for your Mel Bay book |
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