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Kapila Kane

1051 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2005 :  01:14:17 AM  Show Profile
I gotta get this last leg of the Maui pilgrimage booked...Honolulu to Maui.
Got Aloha?
I too lazy for the dot com world.


2187 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2005 :  07:26:00 AM  Show Profile  Visit cpatch's Homepage  Send cpatch an AOL message
Gordon, that has to be the laziest question I have ever seen in this forum! I will therefore answer it. From http://www.alohaairlines.com (1-800-555-1212 would work too): (800) 367-5250


My goal is to be able to play as well as people think I can.
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Kapila Kane

1051 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2005 :  4:31:55 PM  Show Profile
It's only the laziest question SO FAR. In time, I can top it.

So I like ask this guy on the Big Island,
"Like, what's da fastest way to Kona from Capt. Cook?"

He say, "are ya walkin' or drivin'?

I like say, "I'm drivin'".

He like say, "That would be the fastest way."

Thanks cpatch.

Laziest Guy
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Auntie Nancy

593 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2005 :  5:16:58 PM  Show Profile
I hope you get to camp OK.....

nancy cook
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88 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2005 :  7:31:55 PM  Show Profile
Hawaiian goes all those places, too.
1-800-367-5320, but online is cheaper...
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553 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2005 :  7:55:04 PM  Show Profile
Hey Craig...(C 'GOOGLE' Patchett @ TaroPatch.net)

You know that guy? That one that my sister was talking about? Last Christmas?
Where's he at? He borrowed my jacket!;)

Cmdr (I'm going to Molokai!!!) Piffle

my Poodle is smarter than your honor student
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Auntie Nancy

593 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2005 :  10:52:28 PM  Show Profile
Aloha Piff -
You won't need a jacket on Moloka'i. It'll be nice to meet such an "old" guy...

nancy cook
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928 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2005 :  09:43:04 AM  Show Profile  Visit Konabob's Homepage  Send Konabob an AOL message
In February, you might like a jacket, even on Moloka'i! Yesterday in Kona we were all freezing... I had long pants, long sleeve shirt, vest and (oh horrors) socks and shoes on! Extra blanket on the bed last 3 nights too! Now, I know some of you from the frozen north would scoff at this kind of thing, but once your blood thins out into pineapple juice, you just can't take the sub 65 degree weather.
Try playing a metal body guitar with a steel slide in this weather... brrrrrrr.


Konabob's Walkingbass - http://www.konawalkingbass.com
Taropatch Steel - http://www.konaweb.com/konabob/
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=Konabob2+Walkingbass
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237 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2005 :  10:31:09 AM  Show Profile
Ha! No pity, Konabob. Every single day this month I have been tuning in to the NOAA weather forecast, waiting for it to warm up (spring officially begins on Sunday, after all), and every single day the forecast has been for "temperatures to be below normal. " Sigh... temps over 65 seem like a distant dream when we can't even hit the mid-50s. Unfortunately, I don't need to have spent time in Hawai`i to be thin blooded - I've always been this way.

I hope you get to put away the extra blanket soon!

Me ke aloha,


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Kapila Kane

1051 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2005 :  11:38:41 AM  Show Profile
Those chilly Kona nights. He who used to live at 9,000 feet...
Gotta go play a sad one on da violin.
Where do I begin...

Online IS cheaper...Aloha is $69 one way, online.
Haven't flown Hawaiian...howzit?
Oh, guess I'll go check.
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181 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2005 :  6:37:25 PM  Show Profile  Visit sandman's Homepage
I just got back from a "ski" trip to Whistler, BC. Except there was very little snow. Been going there for over twenty years and this was the worst one yet for snow. January was cold but little snow, February was warmer but no snow; the week after we left the rains (a monsoon the Whisterites called it) hit. It is now infamous as Kamehameha's Revenge. We left last Thursday, cutting our trip short because of May-like weather, and it has snowed inches (but not enough inches) since we we bussed down to Vancouver. But the weather in Whistler itself is in the high 30s and above. Of course Whistler is 5,000 +/- and close to the Pacific but this is a strange weather year.
We had rain and bright sun in Huntington Beach this afternoon,

Leap into the boundless and make it your home.
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Auntie Nancy

593 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2005 :  6:58:27 PM  Show Profile
Aloha Sandman,
It rained down here the entire time you were gone! That should mean that Taos was the place to ski and play slack key this year.
And it's been way too cold. I had to turn the heater on today. Still no shoes though..

nancy cook
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Kapila Kane

1051 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2005 :  12:41:28 AM  Show Profile
I checked with Hawaiian Airlines yesterday, and while they are a little cheaper, they apparently use Boing 717's for intra-island service. And from what I could get over the phone, carry-on guitar could not be guaranteed...
so for a few more bucks (but it IS cheaper online) I using Aloha airlines for the Honolulu to Maui connect.
They seem to take care, even when they have to store it up front.

Hey, and Nancy...Taos is great...if ya aren't a snowboarder!
Which works out great for some of us less exteme skiers.
And the green chili at Orlando's is worth the drive.
So about my other dream...
to play Hawaiian/2 step blend at the Sagebrush...
I figure it might be nice to sneak a littel Ka'au Crater Boys and IZ into a set.
The folks in Taos have this great artistic soul that will dance to originals and obscure stuff...as long as the basic groove is there.

But I like to watch as I fiddle--but hopefully...someday slack or uke.
I workin' on some team-mates to color shift their Southwestern into "EXTREME SOUTHWESTERN"!

And I still gotta catch Mike Morrow and Poi White Trash down in Sante Fe.
And the Buckaluau in the late summer.
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