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Pauline Leland
783 Posts |
Posted - 11/21/2002 : 1:37:56 PM
Aloha all,
This question came up on the AG forum with no success, but does anyone know of a book of Christmas music in slack key style? I know of an on-line "Silent Night" in Taro Patch. Mark Hanson has another carol on-line in C-Wahine but it looks more like chord melody than slack key to me.
After the "Playing by Ear" post, I'm almost ashamed to ask this, but not all beginners have patient relatives or teachers or can easily pick things off CD. Oh-oh, do I sound defensive? 
Pauline |
2187 Posts |
Posted - 11/21/2002 : 2:09:43 PM
I have two CDs (both paid for ;-) of slack key Christmas music (Hawaiian Slack Key Christmas and Ki Ho`alu Christmas, both on Dancing Cat I believe) and I know there are others, but have yet to run across any published tab.
Where did you find Silent Night? |
Craig My goal is to be able to play as well as people think I can. |
Pauline Leland
783 Posts |
Posted - 11/21/2002 : 3:18:25 PM
Hi Craig,
Steve Rapson has a version here in Taro Patch.
There's a typo in the tab for measure 22.
An even easier version is Hal Kinnaman's at this site.
Aloha, |
Pauline |
Edited by - Pauline Leland on 11/21/2002 3:32:54 PM |
281 Posts |
Posted - 11/21/2002 : 3:34:37 PM
Aloha Pauline,
Haha! I don't think you sounded defensive! But as far as christmas book in slack key, I hav'nt heard or seen any. Theres lot's of christmas slack key that's on CD, But published book? mmmm???
Aloha, a hui hou! Kevin......p.s. hope there's something out there that might help. |
Kevin K. Brown |
163 Posts |
Posted - 11/22/2002 : 5:15:49 PM
I'm so glad you pointed that typo out in the Rapson tab. I happened to come across it a few days ago and when I got to measure 22, I thought--gee this guy must have super long fingers... I think I realized it must be a mistake and now your note confirms it. It's a nice enough version. I added a few hammer on's and pull off's a few harmonics here and there to give it more of a ki hoalu spin.
I just got a book of fingerstyle arrangements of Christmas songs by Mark Hansen (comes with Cd). There're a few in alternate tunings which sound slack key-ish.
aloha Duke |
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