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 strumming a uke
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51 Posts

Posted - 05/06/2009 :  12:50:02 PM  Show Profile
I am just learning uke. I would like to find a teaching video that shows and teaches the various strums. Right now I am just using my finger and there is absolutley no rhymthic sound to the various sounds. I can do a search on line but there may just be someone in the patch that has some knowledge of a good DVD. I can make a fool of myself in the comfort of my own home!



Mika ele

1493 Posts

Posted - 05/06/2009 :  3:29:45 PM  Show Profile
One of Jake Shimabukuro's music DVDs has a really neat "extra" where he goes over the most common strumming techniques from one finger, all the way up to all five fingers back and forth real real fast. Most of us just use the pointer finger and move it up and down. For fancy strumming we rotate the wrist to make the one finger brush the strings up and down faster -- usually at the end of a song.

Stick with one finger for now (no thumb) and concentrate on changing the chords with the other hand. All the strumming hand has to do is keep time. Once you can get that down (think, pat tummy and rub head with the other hand) then you can think about two-finger syncopated strums and beyond. -- Watch jake and you will know what I mean.

E nana, e ho'olohe. E pa'a ka waha, e hana ka lima.
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2368 Posts

Posted - 05/06/2009 :  7:35:40 PM  Show Profile  Visit Retro's Homepage
Hey Judy - just videotape noeau!

Strumming is one of those things that SUPA folks are always asking about. I picked up a few strums over the years by playing alongside my kumu, and figuring out something that goes along well as a variation to HER strums, but I find I can't teach 'em - they just kind of developed naturally.

I don't know if that method might come to you over time, versus study of videos - everybody's style of learning is different - but maybe Al would have some ideas for you.

As for making a fool of yourself, don't do it in private --- come and be a fool with the rest of us on a regular basis! It's more fun that way! See you around the area soon.

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98 Posts

Posted - 05/06/2009 :  8:47:38 PM  Show Profile  Visit Elaine's Homepage
Ralph Shaw has a great DVD called Essential Strums for the Ukulele. As a bonus, you get to strum and sing along with Ralph, who is one of the masters of the craft.

Here's a link to his site: www.ralphshaw.ca

Good luck,


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51 Posts

Posted - 05/07/2009 :  06:17:22 AM  Show Profile
Hey Gregg,
AL is teaching me slack key but cannot ask too much from him. He has demostratied some strums. However, I stay slow. I am a very visual person and just learning some stumms and stopping a DVD is a good way for me to learn some stumms. I have been going to SUPA and really enjoying playing and singing with everyone. It is such a happy group. I think we did Over the Rainbow very well last Sunday. I had to suggest that one. It is not only Iz but many folks sung that song like Ray Charles. Amazing song. We all did well.
Thanks for your reply.

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51 Posts

Posted - 05/07/2009 :  06:20:06 AM  Show Profile
Originally posted by Elaine

Ralph Shaw has a great DVD called Essential Strums for the Ukulele. As a bonus, you get to strum and sing along with Ralph, who is one of the masters of the craft.

Here's a link to his site: www.ralphshaw.ca

Good luck,

Thanks much Elaine. It looks very promising. I think I will indulge.
Keep on plucking

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320 Posts

Posted - 05/07/2009 :  12:41:46 PM  Show Profile  Visit tafkam1's Homepage
try this one on youtube: The BEST Strum Lesson - play like Bruddah Iz!

Mitch Chang
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P.M. JR.

50 Posts

Posted - 05/07/2009 :  1:43:27 PM  Show Profile
Just play how you feel ^_^

Peter W.K. Moon
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El Cabrong

2 Posts

Posted - 05/08/2009 :  03:23:08 AM  Show Profile
Try and get Roy Sakuma's DVD on the ukulele. Very entertaining and some good tips too
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530 Posts

Posted - 05/08/2009 :  12:31:29 PM  Show Profile  Visit Earl's Homepage
I wholeheartedly recommend Keoki Kahumoku's beginning ukulele video. It is the best beginner video I have run across for any musical topic. Most videos get too intermediate too fast, and can frustrate the new student. You will lean strums, chords, turnarounds, and a variety of other things. You cannot go wrong with this one. Order it from: www.thegtw.com
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51 Posts

Posted - 05/08/2009 :  3:40:19 PM  Show Profile
[quote]Originally posted by P.M. JR.

Just play how you feel ^_

I play when I am happy and it sounds not so happy.
I play when I am sad and it sounds worse than the way I feel.
I know what you mean but no can produce that melodic sound.
Will keep trying.


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2368 Posts

Posted - 05/08/2009 :  6:39:49 PM  Show Profile  Visit Retro's Homepage
Originally posted by Bijou

I play when I am happy and it sounds not so happy.
I play when I am sad and it sounds worse than the way I feel.
I know what you mean but no can produce that melodic sound.
Will keep trying.

Line 4 will lead to a change in line 1 - garans. If you are like me, Judy, you will probably always be your own worst critic. It takes a while to find that balancing point where you can push yourself to improve while still maintaining the fun of playing. You are on the right path.
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keneke ka

75 Posts

Posted - 05/11/2009 :  7:01:31 PM  Show Profile
I recommend Roy Sakuma's DVD strumming techniques....can buy it
at www.roysakuma.net.I have it and have lent it out to ukulele players.
He is one of the top ukulele instructors in Hawaii and is the founder of the Ukulele Festival Hawaii , Kapiolani Park Bandstand , Waikiki
This year the 39th annual event is July 19th , 2009
9:30am to 1:30 pm and it's " Free " .
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