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Peter Medeiros
546 Posts |
Posted - 01/02/2008 : 10:16:51 AM
To the Taropatch Ohana Happy New Year!
I hope that this coming year will be filled with good times and prosperity for you and your families. I apologize for not writing to you earlier, but I was overwhelmed by certain circumstances and family crisis the past few months.
For your information the two books on slack key -- the methodology, and the anthology -- will be released this spring of 2008. They examine the tradition, songs, technique and concepts that I have been teaching since 1970. The books are incomplete in my opinion, but than again any serious study on slack key will always be incomplete. I have a lot of material on the maunaloa tunings and Atta’s open C that I haven’t included. I also do not address the ho‘o ki papa style, because I simply do not know it and for me to analyze it would be only conjecture. I simply do not have the time to recreate setting and circumstance as to how it would be played or approached. Due to my physical condition I have to take my hands off of these books and get them out now as they are. They will be my legacy towards a serious study of slack key.
As for me, I was preoccupied as a jury foreman this past fall with the Lorenzo Kidnap Murder trial – a trial that should have taken no more than two weeks, but stretched into two and a half months. Needless to say it ruined the semester at UH. With a day time trial 9:00 to 400, I had no office hours and had to switch all my classes to the evening. I was still able to handle all recording production and attend most of the concerts. I will only be teaching one section this semester.
As some of you may know my cancer has returned and I started chemotherapy at the end of the year. I am part of new study of men under 60 with prostate cancer taking part in these tests. The therapy utilizes a high dosage of chemo – Taxotere—in conjunction with hormone injections to kill the cancer cells. The therapy will run through June. The side effects of chemo are brutal. All of my muscles hurt and the neuropathy make it difficult to walk and use my hands at times. A general malaise, muscle pain and low fever seem to be constant and I will be losing my hair in about a week. Outside of that I feel great!
I am hoping that I will be able to record the examples on the up-cycle of therapy. A cycle is twenty-one days – eleven days where red and white cells drop and ten days when they start back up again. There is some numbness and pain in my fingers due to the chemo. I would rather record sooner rather than wait until I lose my small muscle control. I will try and do this over the couple of months while I still can.
If you have any questions, I now can answer them since I’m in quarantine. Except for the one section I be teaching I now have a lot of time on my hands. Until I hear from you again take care.
Peter Medeiros
Edited by - Peter Medeiros on 01/02/2008 10:18:03 AM |
4551 Posts |
Posted - 01/02/2008 : 10:37:43 AM
Health and family come first! You'll be in our prayers. |
Andy |
1526 Posts |
Posted - 01/02/2008 : 10:50:24 AM
Good Grief! How did you get so much done and endure so much at the same time? Needless to say, we fervently hope that you return to good health, pain and tumor free.
Just a suggestion, as an unwilling expert in neuropathy, ask your doctor about gabapentin/neurontin. It was first used as an antiepileptic, but it was found to be successful for neuropathies; it is more a neurotransmitter than a drug, is not metabolized, has only few very minor side effects, and has no drug interactions known. It can be tolerated in very high dosages (up to about 3200 mg./day) but is very effective at 900 mg/day. Docs often forget about it, but my Primary didn't. Who knows, it might help, and avoid interaction with your cocktail.
About questions: the only one of any real importance to me is: how do we buy your books?
We are pulling for you, Peter.
...Reid |
389 Posts |
Posted - 01/02/2008 : 6:29:08 PM
Gosh, Peter. You are amazing, after all you've endured. We wish you all the best and hopes for a complete recovery from all of your health issues. Malama pono...Maggie |
Mika ele
1493 Posts |
Posted - 01/03/2008 : 07:28:39 AM
Peter, It is sooo good to hear from you. I know you read from this forum to get a sense of what your students are interested in and how we learn. I read this forum to learn from passionate teachers like you. |
E nana, e ho'olohe. E pa'a ka waha, e hana ka lima. |
Kapila Kane
1051 Posts |
Posted - 01/04/2008 : 06:23:26 AM
All my prayers... I really appreciate your gifts, and all the intelligent and knowledgeable sharing on Taropatch ...I will put any of your publications in the music vault... except when I'm practicing... We all look forward to any spring releases and to the healing essence of spring. Also, thanks for your kindnesses, patience, strength, and courage. Mahalo, Kapila Kane |
571 Posts |
Posted - 01/04/2008 : 06:44:55 AM
I'm so sorry to read about your health problems and torturous treatments. I don't know how you find energy to do so much work with all the painful and disagreeable side-effects, but it is admirable and we (I think I can speak for everyone!) are so appreciative of your contributions. Please take care of yourself, and we hope you will feel better sooooon.
I am really looking forward to your books. Thanks for giving us the heads up!
me ke aloha, Sarah |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 01/04/2008 : 07:19:14 AM
Peter - you have my admiration and thanks as well for your enduring the discomfort to yourself, as well as your courage in taking part in a study that will help so many other men. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you so much, as well, for sharing your knowledge and expertise on a topic that means so much to us here in the Taro Patch. You are such an learned expert and you know we will be so honored to be able to read and learn from your books.
Mahalo nui loa.
If you need anything from your Taro Patch `ohana, you only need ask. We are here for you.
No worry about no hair -- women thought Telly Savalas and Yul Brynner were quite sexy. Plenty of men shave their heads nowadays. And saves $$$ on shampoo, conditioner, etc. It is your heart that is beautiful and that is what counts in the long run. And when the chemo is over, it will grow back. I'll bet shave ice will become one of your favorite taste treats during the chemo. As Reid said, gabapentin is a pretty good med for neuropathy. Our daughter takes it for some congential hip dysplasia that bothered her after she was in basic training in the Army. It has helped her greatly, after spending lots of time trying other meds that brought no relief. |
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
290 Posts |
Posted - 01/04/2008 : 4:46:57 PM
Peter, hoping to hear your well again soon. I have many great memories of living in Hawaii as a young man, and one of those was attending your slack key class at the UH in the early 80's.Though i got sidetracked, quit playing guitar for a long time,and got rid of nearly all of my guitar gear,songbooks etc, i carefully put away your course materials in safekeeping, as i knew someday, somewhere down the line, i would pick up where i left off. It was special. I moved to the mainland in the 90's and started playing again. I am looking forward to your books, and its always a pleasure reading your posts, Aloha, Lee Thovson |
Lee |
1635 Posts |
Posted - 01/17/2008 : 7:52:20 PM
Just getting 'round to reading posts which happened while we were on vacation.
Peter, you have our thoughts and prayers. Every time Sonny and I go to ElCalderon for Beefsteak Encebollado we make mention of you.
FYI, There is some use out here of atypical SNRI's during chemo to alleviate the pain. While they were developed as anti-depressants, they also have other effects that aren't clearly understood, like alleviating pain.
Best wishes Raymond & Linda Stovich & Sonny Wagner |
1628 Posts |
Posted - 01/18/2008 : 2:50:12 PM
Aloha Peter -
I, too, just discovered your post. Here's a hope for renewed health and continued intellectual exploration. I've learn so much from you already, and I can't wait to get my hands on those books.
All the best,
1154 Posts |
Posted - 01/18/2008 : 4:35:37 PM
I, too, just saw this post. I wish you all the best, Peter. You are an important part of this forum's life blood. Take care.
Dusty |
Edited by - wdf on 01/18/2008 4:36:09 PM |
33 Posts |
Posted - 01/20/2008 : 8:49:50 PM
Peter I enjoy your posts on Taro Patch more than any others I've read. Your knowledge on Hawaiian music related subjects is amazing and your students are blessed to have you as a teacher. I am looking forward to reading your books. Mahalo for sharing your knowledge. I hope that soon you will return to full health and vitality. Malama pono, David |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 03/25/2008 : 11:55:57 AM
Peter - You are still in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you are holding up and not too miserable right now.
Are there any further developments with your books? |
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
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